working with wallpaper

Over the past number of years, innovative paint techniques, and other wall finishes have been more popular than wallpaper. It has always been a daunting decorating option – difficult to apply and equally difficult to remove with a reputation for being old fashioned. Despite this it has never gone completely out of style, but now a new generation of wallpaper designs and techniques have given this decorating option a welcome boost.

Interesting, eye-catching designs which include everything from geometric shapes and lines to botanical patterns and full wall murals have injected new energy into this design option.

“There are also several advantages to using wallpaper,” explains Nick Prokas of Mary Interior Decorators. “Modern wallpapers adhere easily and smoothly to walls, hiding surface imperfections and inconsistencies. It also brings a warmth and depth to a room that regular paint techniques cannot achieve and is the easiest way to give add a personal touch to a room or area.”

Here are five modern and bold wallpaper trends:


These printed murals cover walls from floor to ceiling. Some are abstract while others are scenic, but all will transform a room.


Architectural or Graphic

These are modern, photorealist interpretations of classic designs and can be a botanical print, which has been given a modern twist or digitalised geometric patterns. There are also patterns that change gradually over the course of a wall, which create a feeling movement.

New Chintz

This refers to the modern take on traditional florals. These are classics which have been given an edge and are often unexpected both in terms of colours and design.

working with wallpaper blog tonal and textures

Tonal and Textures

This trend is all about both real and perceived textures. These designs create interesting illusions – they look like the real thing but are more interesting for example grasscloths, faux suedes, wooden textures and other natural patterns like clouds or water marks.

Paint Effects

Ironically this is where wallpaper takes its inspiration from actual paint techniques whether it be water colour, impressionist, These wallcoverings incorporate an artistic approach to become works of arts themselves.

Mary Interior Decorators has a wide range of fabrics and upholstery in similar shades of blue that will undoubtedly create interest and beauty in any room.

Contact us by calling 011 268 0329 or emailing us on

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